Thursday, September 15, 2011

something is wrong....

had it ever occurred to anyone that something is in you get up in the morning ...pick up your daily newspaper , headlines...go for brush and go to bath...hurry up breakfast ..go to office and sit on desk...usual through office mails ...few breaks ...lunch...evening time ...time to rush...get caught in traffic ....come back home...have evening news and ready to go to sleep.....and then at that moment you feel ...wait a minute ...thr is something missing in my life....!1

i dont know what it is..i dont know what to do about it ...i dont know why it is missing...but something is not there...// it is as if nothing separates my today from my yesterday and my tomorrow from today. ...i wait for weekend since Thursday coz boss is boring me and work is killing me and once weekend is over wait for next weekend ....and then for month-end where salary comes and flies like its suppose to never enough.....

but in all this something is missing...and thats time....!! sounds paradoxial because time is what we assume to spend day in day out when we do all this ....but it still is missing...its as if my time is not worth what i want it to be...... One noted Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen called it wellness index...

i would like to expand that idea ....say you get a hike of 30% by switching job or promotion this hike somehow results in you being have log in from home to check your office mails ...more traffic jams on your way...and less time for your own a growth of 30% if comes with 15% more utlisation of your self comes at best a neutral one if not negative because its not make you well off than you was earlier...

having said that we all do it...why? call it peer pressure perhaps or some unconscious choice we are forced to make that we have to go ahead materially...but all the material things that we wanna earn in life like money, home etc are to gain immemorial pleasures like love , happiness etc. ...but we constantly live in delusion that having less of time by all this essentially will somehow give us more from life.....

mostly it doesnt...and like me keeps wondering...something is missing....that something may be nothing else but my own self ...the self lost somewhere ...which cries out that time is running out for it to go out and have a blast....and one keep on ignoring it....

i dont know what to do...whether to do do or not ....or should be just lying there thinking about it like me...what i know is i god damm need to get one point long as i am not having time for myself ...just for myself ...not of my company or family....i will still be feeling that something is missing......and will continue so.......

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